How to clean a bathroom step-by-step

Emma Greenfield

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how to keep your bathroom clean everyday
A diverse photo featuring a bright bathroom, nature, and various people.

Is your bathroom looking a little grimy and in need of some serious attention? Most people cringe at the thought of tackling this chore, but it’s important to remember that bathrooms can harbor dirt, germs, and bacteria if not cleaned regularly.

This blog post is designed to guide you on how to clean a bathroom step-by-step and making your bathroom sparkle again. Let’s dive into this transformation journey – your gleaming sanctuary awaits!

Key Takeaways

  • Gather the necessary cleaning tools and materials before starting to clean your bathroom.
  • Follow a step-by-step process that includes vacuuming, dusting, cleaning glass and mirrors, shining faucets and fixtures, scrubbing sinks and tubs/showers, cleaning the toilet, mopping the floors, disinfecting high-touch areas, and doing finishing touches.
  • Use appropriate cleaning solutions for different surfaces like countertops and sinks.
  • Regularly clean your bathroom to maintain hygiene and prevent buildup.

Gather Your Cleaning Arsenal

A selection of cleaning tools neatly arranged on a countertop.

To clean a bathroom efficiently, gather your cleaning tools and materials.


A neatly organized set of bathroom tools with different faces and styles.

You need the right tools for a good bathroom clean. These are the cleaning tools that help get the job done:

Connect Your Utility to Save on Electricity
  1. vacuum cleaner or dustpan and broom are used to sweep up dust before cleaning.
  2. Windex or a similar glass cleaner is great for shining mirrors and fixtures.
  3. Try using baking soda to clean the toilet bowl, it works wonders!
  4. A pumice stone gets rid of stubborn toilet stains.
  5. Light fixtures shine bright after a clean with a dry cloth.
  6. For tough spots, nothing beats Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Bath.
  7. Use gloves to keep your hands safe from cleaners.
  8. Get a scrub brush for sinks and shower surfaces.
  9. An old toothbrush can reach into small cracks and corners.
  10. Keep handy a mop for the floors.


A variety of cleaning supplies arranged neatly on a countertop.

To clean a bathroom, you will need the following materials:

  • Cleaning solutions for different surfaces (such as glass cleaner, tile cleaner, and toilet bowl cleaner)
  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • Microfiber cloths or paper towels
  • Scrub brushes or sponges
  • Rubber gloves
  • Toilet brush
  • Pumice stone (for removing tough stains in the toilet)
  • Bucket
  • Mop or floor cleaner

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning the Bathroom

A beautiful bathroom with flowers and a diverse group of people.

Vacuum and remove bathmats and towels to clear the space for effective cleaning.

Vacuum and Remove Bathmats and Towels

A clean bathroom with various people and styles captured in a photo.

To start cleaning your bathroom, remove bathmats and towels from their usual spots. This allows you to have a clear space for the cleaning process. Additionally, vacuuming the floor will help get rid of any dust or debris that might be present.

Removing bathmats and towels also ensures that they can be properly cleaned or replaced if necessary. By doing this step first, you can create a clean and fresh starting point for the rest of your bathroom cleaning routine.

Dust and/or Vacuum from Top to Bottom

To start cleaning your bathroom, don’t forget to dust and/or vacuum from top to bottom. Dusting the surfaces and corners will help remove any dirt or cobwebs that may have accumulated.

Use a microfiber cloth or duster to wipe surfaces like countertops, shelves, and light fixtures. If you have any ceiling fans or vents in your bathroom, make sure to clean them as well.

When it comes to vacuuming, start from the highest point in the room, such as the ceiling or upper corners. Work your way down to the floor, making sure to reach all areas including behind toilets and sinks.

Vacuuming will help remove any loose dirt or debris before moving on to other cleaning tasks.

Clean Glass and Mirrors

A photo of a clean bathroom mirror reflecting diverse people and styles.

To clean glass and mirrors in your bathroom, start by dusting off any loose dirt or debris. Then, dampen a microfiber cloth with glass cleaner or a solution of vinegar and water. Wipe the glass surface in long, vertical strokes to prevent streaks.

Pay extra attention to corners and edges.

For stubborn spots or smudges, use a soft bristle brush or an old toothbrush to gently scrub the area. Rinse the cloth frequently while cleaning to avoid spreading dirt around. Finally, use a dry microfiber cloth to buff the glass until it shines.

Remember to also clean any frames or metal fixtures surrounding the mirrors using appropriate cleaning solutions. Take care not to spray cleaner directly on electrical components.

Shine Faucets and Fixtures

A photo of a sparkling bathroom faucet with a bright bathroom reflection.

To make your bathroom faucets and fixtures shine, start by wiping them with a damp cloth to remove any dirt or grime. Then, use a mild cleaning solution and a soft-bristle brush to scrub away any stubborn stains or buildup.

Rinse the faucets and fixtures thoroughly with clean water, making sure to remove all traces of soap or cleaner. Finally, dry them with a clean towel or microfiber cloth to prevent water spots and streaks.

Regularly shining your faucets and fixtures will keep them looking pristine and help maintain their functionality.

Clean Counters and Soap Dispensers

A clean bathroom countertop with varied soap dispensers and accessories.

To clean the counters in your bathroom, start by wiping away any visible dirt or debris with a damp cloth. Then, use an appropriate cleaning solution to thoroughly clean the surfaces.

Make sure to pay attention to corners and edges where grime can accumulate. For soap dispensers, remove them from the counter if possible and wash them with warm soapy water. Rinse thoroughly before placing them back on the cleaned counter.

Keep in mind that regular cleaning of counters and soap dispensers helps maintain a hygienic bathroom environment.

Scrub Sinks and Tubs/Showers

A photo showcasing a clean bathroom with various people and styles.

To clean sinks and tubs/showers, start by applying a suitable cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and water. Use a sponge or scrub brush to scrub the surfaces thoroughly, paying attention to any stains or buildup.

Rinse with water to remove the cleaner and wipe dry with a clean cloth. For tough soap scum and grime, you can use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Bath for effective cleaning.

Clean the Toilet

A beautiful photo of a clean toilet with fresh flowers.

To clean the toilet, start by pouring a cup of baking soda into the bowl. Let it sit for a few minutes to soften any stains and odors. Then, take a toilet brush and scrub the inside of the bowl, making sure to get under the rim and around the edges.

Flush the toilet to rinse away any residue.

Next, squirt some toilet cleaner or disinfectant on the inner sides of the bowl and let it sit for a few minutes. Use your toilet brush to scrub again, paying attention to areas that are stained or dirty.

Finally, flush one more time to ensure everything is clean and fresh.

Remember, you can also use a damp pumice stone if there are stubborn spots in your toilet bowl. Just be gentle when using it so you don’t scratch the porcelain surface.

Clean Floors

A clean bathroom floor with diverse people and stylish outfits.

To clean the floors in your bathroom, start by sweeping or vacuuming up any loose dirt and debris. Use a mop or microfiber cloth to wash the floors with a mild cleaning solution, focusing on any stains or sticky spots.

Pay extra attention to areas around the toilet and sink where water and dirt may accumulate. Rinse the floors thoroughly with clean water and then dry them using a towel or allow them to air dry.

This will help prevent slips and falls while also keeping your bathroom looking fresh and clean.

Disinfect Where Necessary

To ensure proper hygiene in your bathroom, it’s important to disinfect certain areas. Use a cleaning solution or disinfecting wipes to clean high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and toilet handles.

Don’t forget to also wipe down faucet handles and soap dispensers. Disinfecting these areas helps remove germs and prevents the spread of bacteria. Keep in mind that regular cleaning and disinfecting can help maintain a clean and healthy bathroom environment for you and your family.

Do the Finishing Touches

To complete the cleaning process, don’t forget to do the finishing touches in your bathroom. This includes wiping down surfaces like countertops and soap dispensers using appropriate cleaning solutions.

Make sure to scrub sinks and tubs or showers to remove any residue. Clean and shine faucets and fixtures for a polished look. Don’t overlook the toilet – give it a good clean inside and out using a toilet cleaner or baking soda.

Finish off by sweeping or mopping the floors, making sure they’re free from dirt and dust. Finally, disinfect high-touch areas like door handles and light switches to ensure proper hygiene in your bathroom space.

Tips for a Faster and Efficient Clean

Neatly organized cleaning supplies in a sparkling bathroom with varied people.

– Declutter the bathroom before cleaning to make the process easier and faster.

– Use multi-purpose cleaners to tackle multiple surfaces at once, saving time and effort.

– Start from top to bottom when cleaning, so that any dust or dirt that falls will be cleaned later.

– Let cleaning products sit on tough stains for a few minutes before scrubbing to make them easier to remove.

– Use microfiber cloths or paper towels instead of regular towels, as they are more effective in picking up dirt and germs.

– Clean regularly to prevent buildup and make future cleanings quicker and easier.

– Have a designated place for all your cleaning supplies so you can easily find what you need.

– Invest in good quality tools like a squeegee for glass surfaces or an extendable duster for hard-to-reach places.

Deep Cleaning Tasks (Monthly/Every Few Months)

A photo depicting a clean shower head being scrubbed.

Descale the shower head using a mixture of white vinegar and water, then scrub away any buildup with a toothbrush or small brush.

Descale the Shower Head

To descale the shower head, you can use a simple vinegar solution. Fill a plastic bag with white vinegar and secure it around the shower head using a rubber band. Let it sit for about an hour to dissolve mineral deposits that may have built up over time.

Afterward, remove the bag and scrub away any remaining residue with a toothbrush. Rinse the shower head thoroughly to ensure all traces of vinegar are gone, then enjoy improved water flow and pressure in your showers!

Clean the Shower Curtain or Doors

To clean the shower curtain or doors, start by removing them from the hooks or tracks. If it’s a fabric curtain, check the care instructions to see if it can be machine-washed. If so, throw it in the washing machine with some laundry detergent and run a gentle cycle.

For plastic curtains or glass doors, wipe them down using warm water and mild soap or a bathroom cleaner. Make sure to scrub away any soap scum or grime. Rinse thoroughly and let them dry before rehanging them back in place.

Refresh Dingy Grout

To refresh dingy grout in your bathroom, start by making a simple paste using baking soda and water. Apply the paste onto the grout lines and let it sit for around 15 minutes. Then, scrub the grout using a toothbrush or a small brush with firm bristles.

Rinse the area with water to remove any residue. For tougher stains, you can use vinegar instead of water when making the paste. Vinegar has natural cleaning properties that can help break down stubborn grime on the grout.

Remember to test any cleaning solution on a small inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage.

Using hydrogen peroxide mixed with baking soda can also be effective in brightening up dingy grout. Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to form a thick paste, then apply it onto the stained areas of the grout.

Let it sit for around 10-15 minutes before scrubbing with a brush or sponge dipped in warm water. Rinse thoroughly afterwards.

Regular maintenance is key in preventing grout from becoming dirty and discolored again. After cleaning, consider applying a sealer on the grout lines as an extra layer of protection against dirt and stains.

Clean Bathroom Countertops, Walls, and Ceilings

To clean bathroom countertops, walls, and ceilings, start by removing any items or clutter from the surfaces. Use a damp cloth or sponge with an appropriate cleaning solution to wipe down the countertops.

For walls and ceilings, use a mild detergent mixed with water and a soft cloth to gently scrub away any dirt or grime. Pay special attention to areas around sinks and faucets where soap scum can build up.

Rinse with clean water and dry thoroughly. Dust light fixtures and fan covers before using a cleaner suitable for the material to wipe them down. Remember to avoid getting excess moisture on electrical fixtures.

Clean the Bathroom Sink

To clean the bathroom sink, start by removing any items that are on or around the sink. Next, use a suitable cleaning solution and a sponge or cloth to wipe down the surface of the sink.

Pay attention to areas where grime and soap scum may have built up, such as around the drain and faucet handles. If there are stubborn stains, you can use a mixture of baking soda and water to scrub them away.

After cleaning, rinse the sink thoroughly with warm water and dry it with a clean towel or cloth.

Wash Hand Towels Properly

To keep your hand towels clean and germ-free, it’s important to wash them properly. Start by sorting the towels according to color and fabric type. Read the care instructions on the label before washing.

Use a mild detergent in warm water for most fabrics, but use cold water for delicate or colored towels. Avoid using bleach unless specified on the label. If possible, air dry the towels outside in direct sunlight as the UV rays can help kill bacteria and deodorize them naturally.

Remember to avoid using fabric softener as it can reduce absorbency. By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your hand towels are fresh, clean, and ready for use again!

Clean Bathroom Cleaning Tools

To clean your bathroom effectively, it’s important to have the right cleaning tools. Some essential cleaning tools for the bathroom include a toilet brushscrub brushes or sponges for sinks and tubs, a microfiber cloth or paper towels for wiping surfaces, and a good quality vacuum cleaner or broom for removing dust and dirt from floors.

It’s also helpful to have some specialized tools like a pumice stone for removing tough stains in the toilet bowl.

Keeping your cleaning tools clean is important too. After each use, make sure to rinse out sponges or brushes thoroughly and allow them to dry properly before storing them away. Replace worn-out brushes or sponges when necessary to ensure they are effective in cleaning.


A bright, elegant bathroom with varied people, styles, and a bouquet.

In conclusion, cleaning a bathroom step-by-step can be easy and efficient. By gathering the right cleaning supplies and following a systematic approach, you can achieve a sparkling clean bathroom in no time.

Remember to start by removing items, dusting, and vacuuming before tackling specific surfaces like glass, faucets, countertops, sinks, toilets, and floors. With regular maintenance and occasional deep cleaning tasks, your bathroom will always stay fresh and hygienic.

So why wait? Get started on your bathroom cleaning routine today!


1. Can you tell me how to clean a bathroom step-by-step?

You can follow a cleaning checklist for help. It includes deep cleaning the bathroom fixtures, surfaces, and accessories with the right supplies.

2. What are some good bathroom cleaning tips?

There are many hacks like using a mix of vinegar and water for hard stains on fixtures. Also, keep up with regular maintenance to avoid heavy dirt build-up.

3. How often should I set my bathroom cleaning schedule?

To maintain good hygiene, it’s best to have a deep clean at least once every week; this includes disinfection of all surfaces.

4. Do I need special products for my bathroom organization and cleanliness?

Yes! Bathroom-specific products target soap scum on surfaces and other typical stains found in bathrooms while adding shine to your accessories.

5. Are there any helpful techniques that allow effortless bathroom maintenance?

Yes! For easy maintenance use clever storage solutions for organization and make sure you follow the proper steps given in a detailed cleaning guide.

As a dedicated mother and passionate software developer, she weaves her diverse experiences into captivating stories that inspire and engage readers. Emma's love for sustainable living and environmental consciousness permeates both her personal and professional life. When she's not immersed in the world of coding and software development, Emma can be found nurturing her family and tending to her thriving organic garden. Her commitment to sustainable practices extends to every aspect of her life, from repurposing household items to embracing eco-friendly technologies.