How to Infuse Herbs in Candles

Emma Greenfield

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How to Infuse Herbs in Candles

Are you interested in creating your own unique and fragrant candles at home? It turns out that herbs are an excellent way to add a natural scent to homemade candles. In this post, we will guide you through the process of infusing herbs into your DIY candle creations, adding not just wonderful aroma but also enhancing their aesthetic appeal.

Ready to ignite your creativity? Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • Infusing herbs in candles adds natural scents and textures, creating unique and fragrant homemade candles.
  • Infuse herbs in candles offer aromatherapy benefits, promoting relaxation, reducing stress levels, improving concentration, boosting mood and energy, and aiding better sleep.
  • Popular herbs like lavender, rosemary, mint, chamomile, and lilac are suitable for infusing in candle wax to create soothing fragrances.
  • There are two methods for infusing herbs into candles: making infused oils or using dried herbs directly in the candle wax.

Why Infuse Herbs in Candles

A collection of herbal candles surrounded by fresh herbs and flowers, featuring people of different ethnicities, hairstyles, and outfits.

Infusing herbs in candles offers numerous benefits, including the therapeutic effects of aromatherapy and the natural beauty of botanical elements.

Benefits of using herbs in candles

A collection of herb-infused candles surrounded by lavender and mint sprigs, captured in a beautifully arranged and bustling atmosphere.

Infuse herbs in candles add a natural, calming scent to your space. Herbs like lavender and mint give off a beautiful smell when the candle burns. DIY herbal candles also look great as decor in any room of your house.

These homemade candles are even good for gifts! The herbs give them an earthy feel that many people love. If you use soy wax for your candle, it will let out the scent in the best way possible.

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You can make sure that all parts of your candle are dry by using dried herbs only. This keeps water out of the wax while you’re making it. Using herbs in candles is a fun project with very pleasing results!

Aromatherapy benefits

A photo of various herb-infused candles with botanical elements, featuring people of different backgrounds and styles.

Using infuse herbs in candles can provide various aromatherapy benefits that enhance your well-being. When the candles burn, they release the natural scents of herbs into the air, creating a soothing and calming atmosphere.

Lavender, for example, is known to promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. Rosemary can help improve concentration and mental clarity. Mint has invigorating properties that can uplift your mood and boost energy.

Chamomile has a calming effect that aids in relieving anxiety and promoting better sleep. Lilac emits a sweet floral scent that can create a peaceful ambiance. By infusing these herbs into candles, you can enjoy their aromatic benefits while creating a more inviting space in your home or office.

Selecting the Right Herbs for Infusing Candles

A photo of a bowl filled with various dried herbs and plants, surrounded by candles and a mortar and pestle.

Choose dried herbs and plants that are suitable for candle making, such as lavender, rosemary, mint, chamomile, and lilac.

Dried herbs and plants suitable for candles

A collection of dried herbs and plants in glass jars with candles, showcasing diversity and natural beauty.

Using dried herbs and plants in candles adds natural scents and textures. Some popular options for infusing candles with dried herbs include lavender, rosemary, mint, chamomile, and lilac. These herbs not only provide pleasant fragrances but also have soothing and calming properties. When selecting dried herbs for candle making, it is important to choose finely ground or smaller pieces for better fragrance release and texture. Additionally, ensuring that the herbs are completely dry before adding them to the candle wax helps prevent moisture from affecting the quality of the candles.

Popular herbs for candle making (lavender, rosemary, mint, chamomile, lilac)

A collection of popular herbs for candle making arranged in a rustic wooden box, captured in a well-lit and natural setting.

Popular herbs that are commonly used for making scented candles include:

  • Lavender: Known for its calming properties, lavender adds a soothing fragrance to candles.
  • Rosemary: With its refreshing scent, rosemary is often used in candles to promote focus and clarity.
  • Mint: The invigorating aroma of mint helps to uplift the mood and create a fresh atmosphere.
  • Chamomile: Adding chamomile to candles can create a relaxing ambiance and promote restful sleep.
  • Lilac: The sweet floral scent of lilac is popular for creating a romantic and nostalgic atmosphere.

Methods for Infusing Herbs Into Candles

A woman pouring infused oil into a candle mold surrounded by dried herbs and various people with different appearances and outfits.

There are two main methods for infusing herbs into candles: making infused oils and using dried herbs directly in candle wax.

Making infused oils for candles

A diverse collection of dried herbs and plants surrounded by bottles of infused oils in a vibrant and busy atmosphere.

To make infused oils for candles, follow these steps:

  • Heat natural candle wax to no more than 185 degrees.
  • Add dried herbs or plants into the melted wax.
  • Stir the mixture gently to ensure the herbs are evenly distributed.
  • Let the mixture steep for a few hours to infuse the oil with the herb’s scent and properties.
  • Strain out the herbs using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth.
  • Pour the infused oil into a heat – safe container or use it immediately to make candles.

Using dried herbs directly in candle wax

A vibrant still life photograph featuring a collection of colorful dried herbs surrounded by melted candle wax.
  • Infusing dried herbs directly into candle wax can add natural scents and textures to your homemade candles.
  • Dried herbs like lavender, rosemary, mint, chamomile, and lilac can be used to enhance the fragrance of your candles.
  • To use dried herbs directly in candle wax, finely grind them or use smaller pieces for better fragrance and texture.
  • Sprinkle the dried herbs into the melted wax and stir gently to distribute them evenly throughout the mixture.
  • Allow the wax to cool and harden, ensuring that the dried herbs are securely embedded within the candle.
  • When using dried herbs directly in candle wax, avoid using large pieces as they may not blend well with the wax.
  • Adding dried herbs directly to the candle wax can create a visually appealing effect when the candle is lit.

Adding Intention to Herb-Infused Candles

The photo features a candle adorned with crystals and herbs, surrounded by mystical objects, and diverse individuals in various outfits and hairstyles.

Enhance the spiritual and energetic properties of your herb-infused candles by incorporating crystals, gems, or stones into your candle making process.

Using crystals, gems, or stones in candle making

A vibrant collection of candles adorned with crystals and stones, featuring diverse faces, hair styles, and outfits.

Adding crystals, gems, or stones to your homemade herb-infused candles can enhance their aesthetic appeal and bring additional benefits. Here are some ways you can incorporate these natural elements into your candle-making process:

  1. Choose crystals or stones that align with your intentions: Different crystals and stones have different properties and energies. Research their meanings and select ones that resonate with your desired outcome.
  2. Cleanse and charge the crystals: Before using them in candle making, cleanse the crystals by rinsing them under running water or placing them in sea salt overnight. Then, energize them by leaving them in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours.
  3. Place the crystals in the container: Once your candle wax is melted and ready to pour, carefully place the cleansed and charged crystals at the bottom of the container. Ensure they are evenly spaced and not too close to each other.
  4. Pour the wax over the crystals: Slowly pour the infused wax over the crystals while ensuring they stay in place at the bottom of the container. Be mindful not to disrupt their positioning.
  5. Use larger crystals as centerpiece decorations: If you prefer a more prominent crystal presence in your candles, you can place larger stones or geodes directly on top of the poured wax before it solidifies.
  6. Customize based on crystal properties: Consider blending specific herbs with corresponding crystals to create synergistic effects. For example, combining lavender essential oil with amethyst can promote relaxation and stress relief.
  7. Safety precautions: It’s important to note that some larger crystals may heat up during burning, so exercise caution when handling lit candles containing these elements.

Setting intentions and incorporating symbolism

A photo of herb-infused candles surrounded by botanicals, crystals, and diverse people in various outfits and hairstyles.Setting intentions and incorporating symbolism can add an extra layer of meaning to your herb-infused candles. Before starting the candle-making process, take a moment to reflect on what you want to bring into your life or the atmosphere you want to create.

This could be anything from love and positivity to peace and healing. Once you have identified your intention, choose herbs or botanicals that align with that intention. For example, if you want to promote relaxation and tranquility, consider using lavender or chamomile in your candle.

Incorporating symbolism is another way to enhance the energy of your candles. You can do this by adding crystals, gems, or stones that hold specific meanings related to your intention.

For instance, rose quartz is often associated with love and compassion while amethyst is known for its calming properties. Place these objects strategically around the base of the candle jar or embed them within the wax before it solidifies.

Tips for Making Herb-Infused Candles

The photo shows a herb-infused candle surrounded by fresh herbs and flowers, alongside various people with different appearances and outfits.

Prevent resin from running on flat surfaces by placing a coaster or heat-resistant mat under the candle while it burns.

Preventing resin from running on flat surfaces

A photo of a beautifully decorated herb-infused candle on a wooden tabletop with various people of different ethnicities and styles.

To prevent resin from running on flat surfaces when making herb-infused candles, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure to trim the wick to the appropriate length before lighting the candle.

This will help control the amount of heat and reduce the risk of excessive melting. Additionally, it’s important to keep your candle away from drafts or any sources of direct heat, as this can cause uneven melting and dripping.

Finally, consider using a candle holder or coaster with raised edges to catch any potential drips and protect your surface from damage. These simple steps will help ensure that your herb-infused candles stay beautiful and free from resin runoff.

Enhancing home decor with infused candles

Infusing candles with herbs is not only a great way to create unique scents, but it can also enhance your home decor. By incorporating dried herbs like lavender, rosemary, or chamomile into your homemade candles, you can add an extra touch of natural beauty to any space.

These infused candles not only provide soothing aromas but also visually appealing textures and colors that can complement the theme and ambiance of your home. Placing these herb-infused candles in decorative candle holders or arranging them as centerpieces can instantly elevate the overall look of your living room, bedroom, or even bathroom.

The combination of fragrances and botanical elements will create a cozy and inviting atmosphere that guests will surely notice.

Additionally, another way to enhance home decor with infused candles is by adding small crystals, gems, or stones to your candle-making process. This not only adds a beautiful aesthetic element but also brings different energies and intentions into your space through crystal healing properties.

You can choose crystals that correspond to specific intentions such as love (rose quartz), tranquility (amethyst), or clarity (clear quartz) depending on what you want to manifest in your environment.

Melt and pour soap making with herbs

Making melt and pour soap with herbs is a fun way to create unique, natural soaps at home. This method involves melting pre-made soap base and adding dried herbs for added fragrance and texture.

To make herb-infused soap, simply melt the soap base in a microwave or double boiler until it becomes liquid. Then, mix in your chosen dried herbs such as lavender or chamomile. Pour the mixture into soap molds and let it cool and harden completely before removing from the mold.

The result is a beautifully scented herbal soap that is gentle on the skin.


A Caucasian woman is shown engaged in various activities related to herbs, candles, and photography.

Infusing herbs in candles is a fun and creative way to add natural scents to your space. By selecting the right herbs and using simple methods, you can create beautiful herbal-infused candles at home.

Whether you want aromatherapy benefits or simply enjoy the fragrance of botanicals, incorporating herbs into candle making allows you to personalize your space with unique scents and textures.

So gather your favorite dried herbs, grab some candle wax, and start infusing your own herbal candles today!


1. How can I infuse herbs in DIY candles?

You can infuse herbs into your DIY candles by adding dried plants and botanicals to the wax during candle crafting. It adds a natural scent and also works as a unique candle decoration.

2. What are the benefits of incorporating herbs into candle wax?

Adding botanicals to candles not only adds a pleasing visual touch, but it also enhances the aroma for creating aromatherapy candles with natural ingredients like essential oils.

3. Where do I get supplies for making my own herbal infusion for my candle scents?

You can buy all needed candle making supplies including fragrance oils meant especially for enhancing candles with dried plants from craft stores or online marketplaces.

4. Is creating an herb-infused wax hard for someone new to DIY herbal candle making?

No, it’s not! With step-by-step instructions on how to make scented candles with herbs as well as using correct tools and ingredients, anyone can create their home fragrance easily!

5. Can we use fresh herbs when adding botanicals in homemade candles?

Yes, you could use fresh decorative plants but drying them first is better because water in fresh ones may affect how your candle burns.

As a dedicated mother and passionate software developer, she weaves her diverse experiences into captivating stories that inspire and engage readers. Emma's love for sustainable living and environmental consciousness permeates both her personal and professional life. When she's not immersed in the world of coding and software development, Emma can be found nurturing her family and tending to her thriving organic garden. Her commitment to sustainable practices extends to every aspect of her life, from repurposing household items to embracing eco-friendly technologies.