How Long Does It Take to Grow Herbs from Seeds?

Emma Greenfield

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How Long Does It Take to Grow Herbs from Seeds?

If you’re a gardener or herb enthusiast, you may be wondering how long it takes to grow herbs from seeds. Herbs develop from seeds at different rates depending on the plant, soil, sunshine, and moisture. This article will discuss the elements that govern herb seed growth, the typical time it takes common herbs to grow from seeds, and how to speed up herb growth.

Factors that Affect the Growth of Herbs from Seeds

The following are some of the factors that can affect the growth of herbs from seeds:

Soil Quality

The quality of the soil is an essential factor that can affect the growth of your herbs.Herbs need well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. If the soil is too compact or too wet, the seeds may not germinate or grow well.

Amount of Sunlight

Most herbs require a lot of sunlight to grow well. The amount of sunlight your herbs receive can affect the growth rate of your herbs. Ensure that your herbs receive at least six hours of sunlight per day to promote their growth.

Moisture Levels

Watering your herbs is essential to help them grow. Too much water can cause the seeds to rot, while too little water can cause them to dry out and die. Be sure to make the soil moist but not waterlogged.

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Herbs require warm temperatures to germinate and grow well. Ensure that the temperature in the growing area is between 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Average Time It Takes for Popular Herbs to Grow from Seeds

Average Time It Takes for Popular Herbs to Grow from Seeds

The following are the average times it takes for popular herbs to grow from seeds:


Basil seeds usually germinate within five to ten days. The plant can reach maturity within six weeks.


Cilantro seeds usually germinate within seven to ten days. The plant can reach maturity within six to eight weeks.


Chives seeds usually germinate within seven to ten days. The plant can reach maturity within six to eight weeks.


Dill seeds usually germinate within seven to fourteen days. The plant can reach maturity within eight to ten weeks.


Mint seeds usually germinate within ten to fifteen days. The plant can reach maturity within eight to twelve weeks.


Rosemary seeds usually germinate within fifteen to twenty-five days. The plant can reach maturity within twelve to fourteen weeks.


Sage seeds usually germinate within ten to fourteen days. The plant can reach maturity within eight to twelve weeks.


Thyme seeds usually germinate within ten to fourteen days. The plant can reach maturity within eight to twelve weeks.

See also: Best herbs and vegetables to grow indoors

Factors affecting the time it takes for herbs to grow from seeds

  • Type of herb: Different types of herbs have different growth rates. Some herbs, such as basil and chives, tend to germinate quickly, while others, such as rosemary and thyme, take longer to sprout.
  • Quality of soil: The quality of soil can have a significant impact on the growth of herbs. Soil that is too compact or lacks essential nutrients can slow down the growth rate of plants.
  • Amount of sunlight: Sunlight is essential for the growth of plants, and the amount of sunlight that herbs receive can affect their growth rate. Herbs that require full sun, such as basil and rosemary, may grow more quickly when exposed to adequate sunlight.
  • Moisture levels: Herbs require the right amount of moisture to grow. Too much water can lead to root rot and slow down the growth rate, while too little water can stunt the growth of plants.
  • Temperature: The temperature can also affect the growth rate of herbs. Herbs that prefer warmer temperatures, such as basil and cilantro, may grow more quickly in warmer conditions.
  • Humidity: Humidity levels can also affect the growth of herbs. Herbs that thrive in more humid conditions, such as mint and chives, may grow more quickly in more humid environments.

By taking these factors into consideration when growing herbs from seeds, you can help ensure that your plants grow at a healthy rate and reach maturity more quickly.

Types of herbs and their average germination time

HerbAverage germination time
Basil5-14 days
Chives7-14 days
Cilantro7-10 days
Dill10-14 days
Mint7-14 days
Rosemary15-25 days
Thyme7-14 days

Knowing how long it takes for different types of herbs to sprout can help you plan your herb garden better. For example, if you need herbs for a meal in a few weeks, you should choose herbs with a faster germination time or start your seeds early.

Ideal conditions for growing different types of herbs

HerbSoil pHSunlight exposureWatering needsTemperature
Basil6.0-7.0Full sunModerate70-85°F
Chives6.0-7.0Full sun/part shadeModerate60-70°F
Cilantro6.0-7.0Full sun/part shadeFrequent50-85°F
Dill5.5-6.5Full sunModerate60-70°F
Mint6.0-7.0Partial shadeFrequent60-70°F
Rosemary6.0-7.0Full sunInfrequent60-80°F
Thyme6.0-7.0Full sun/part shadeModerate60-70°F

Understanding how different types of herbs grow best can help you make sure that your herbs are healthy and strong. By giving your veggies the right amount of water and light, you can help them grow well and produce a lot of leaves and flowers.

Steps to grow herbs from seeds

  • Choose the right seeds: Make sure to choose herb seeds that are appropriate for your location and growing conditions. Some herbs are better suited for certain climates and environments than others.
  • Prepare the soil: Before planting your seeds, prepare the soil by loosening it and removing any rocks or debris. You can also add organic matter or compost to help improve soil quality.
  • Plant the seeds: Plant your herb seeds according to the instructions on the seed packet. Generally, you will want to plant the seeds about twice as deep as the diameter of the seed itself.
  • Water the seeds: After planting, water the seeds gently but thoroughly. 
  • Provide adequate light: Herbs require adequate light to grow, so make sure they are placed in a location that receives enough sunlight or use grow lights if necessary.
  • Monitor moisture levels: Be sure to make the soil moist but not waterlogged. Avoid letting the soil dry out completely.
  • Thin out seedlings: As your herb seeds begin to sprout, you may need to thin out some of the seedlings to prevent overcrowding and allow the remaining plants to grow stronger.
  • Fertilize as needed: Once your herbs have established themselves, you may want to fertilize them to help promote growth. Be sure to use an appropriate fertilizer for herbs and follow the instructions carefully.
  • Harvest your herbs: Once your herbs have reached maturity, you can begin to harvest them as needed. Be sure to harvest only what you need and leave enough plant material for the herb to continue growing.

By following these steps and paying attention to the factors that can affect the growth of your herbs, you can grow healthy and productive herb plants from seeds.

Steps to Help Your Herbs Grow Faster

Here are some steps you can take to help your herbs grow faster:

Start Seeds Indoors

Starting your seeds indoors can give your herbs a head start and help them grow faster.

Use Good Quality Soil

Using good quality soil can help your herbs grow faster. Make sure the soil has good drainage and is nutrient-rich.

Provide Adequate Sunlight

Most herbs require a lot of sunlight to grow well. Ensure that your herbs receive at least six hours of sunlight per day to promote their growth.

Water Regularly

Watering your herbs regularly can help them grow faster. Maintain wet soil.

Fertilize Regularly

Fertilizing your herbs regularly can help promote their growth. Use a high-quality fertilizer and pay close attention to the directions.

Common mistakes to avoid when growing herbs from seeds

  • Overwatering: Overwatering can be a common mistake, as it can lead to waterlogged soil and root rot. Be sure to water your herbs carefully, allowing the soil to dry out slightly before watering again.
  • Underwatering: On the other hand, underwatering can also be a mistake, as herbs require adequate moisture to grow. Regularly check the soil and provide water as necessary.
  • Planting too deep: Planting seeds too deep can prevent them from sprouting properly. Be sure to follow the instructions on the seed packet and plant the seeds at the appropriate depth.
  • Planting too close together: Planting seeds too close together can lead to overcrowding and competition for resources, which can stunt growth. Thin out seedlings as needed to allow the remaining plants to grow stronger.
  • Using poor quality soil: Herbs require nutrient-rich soil to grow properly, so using poor quality soil can slow down their growth or prevent them from growing altogether. Be sure to use high-quality soil or amend your soil with organic matter or compost.
  • Not providing adequate light: Herbs require adequate light to grow, so placing them in a location that doesn’t receive enough sunlight or not using grow lights can prevent them from growing properly.
  • Failing to fertilize: While too much fertilizer can be harmful, not fertilizing at all can prevent your herbs from growing as quickly or as strongly as they could. Be sure to use an appropriate fertilizer for herbs and follow the instructions carefully.

By avoiding these common mistakes and paying attention to the needs of your herbs, you can help ensure that they grow quickly and healthily from seed to maturity.


Growing herbs from seeds can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it requires patience and proper care. The time it takes for herbs to grow from seeds can vary depending on various factors such as the type of herb, the quality of the soil, the amount of sunlight, and the moisture levels. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can help your herbs grow faster and ensure a bountiful harvest. Remember to start with good quality soil, provide adequate sunlight and water, and fertilize regularly. With proper care and attention, you can enjoy fresh herbs from your garden in no time.


  • What herbs are easiest to grow from seeds?
    Some of the easiest herbs to grow from seeds include basil, chives, cilantro, dill, and mint.
  • Can you grow herbs from seeds indoors?
    Yes, you can start herb seeds indoors and transplant them outside when they are ready.
  • How often should I water my herb seeds?
    You should water your herb seeds regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  • How long does it take for rosemary to grow from seeds?
    Rosemary seeds usually germinate within fifteen to twenty-five days and can reach maturity within twelve to fourteen weeks.
  • Do I need to fertilize my herb plants?
    Yes, fertilizing your herb plants regularly can help promote their growth. Use good fertilizer and follow directions.

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As a dedicated mother and passionate software developer, she weaves her diverse experiences into captivating stories that inspire and engage readers. Emma's love for sustainable living and environmental consciousness permeates both her personal and professional life. When she's not immersed in the world of coding and software development, Emma can be found nurturing her family and tending to her thriving organic garden. Her commitment to sustainable practices extends to every aspect of her life, from repurposing household items to embracing eco-friendly technologies.