8 Best Herb Scented Candles

Emma Greenfield

Updated on:

best scented candles

Scented candles have been used for hundreds of years to make a room feel warm and welcoming, but not all candles are the same. Herb-scented candles are a unique and refreshing way to enjoy both the flickering light of a candle and the scents of different herbs. In this article, we’ll talk about the best herb scented candles, what they’re good for, and how to choose the right one for you.

There are a ton you can choose to make the best herb scented candles, but some of the best include lavender, rosemary, and chamomile. Lavender is a great choice for relaxation, rosemary is perfect for concentration, and chamomile is perfect for a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

This article will teach you how to scent a candle with fresh herbs step by step and the benefits of this process. It contains some easy-to-follow instructions and is a great way to make your room feel refreshing, no matter the season! 

So, let’s stay tuned to learn everything you need!

Benefits of using herbs in candles

Benefits of using herbs in candles

There are several benefits that you can get by using fresh herbs on your candles. So, let’s have a look at some of the most important benefits:

Connect Your Utility to Save on Electricity

Obtain a Unique Smell

Herbs blended with the aroma from candles produce a healthy and potent long-lasting heady fragrance. The odour is greater sparkling and earthy as compared to a synthetic fragrance. 

Decorate the Candle Jar 

Flowers, leaves, and stems have extraordinary hues that create different sort of styles while they’re infused withinside the candle. You can beautify in and across the jar the usage of colourful styles which can probably be seen through the glass.  

Smell and Create a Natural Perfume

Using natural materials like herbs is environmentally friendly and economical as well. The heady fragrance emitted is clean, and sparkling, and is a healthy option for you and your family to breathe organic air, in contrast to synthetic air fresheners. 

How to prepare before making herb scented candles

How to prepare before making herb scented candles

There are a few things to keep in mind when making a scented candle

The first thing you need to know before doing anything else is to choose a good quality wax. This will ensure that your candle burns nicely and slowly, release fragrance, and has a good “throw” (the term for how far the scent of a candle travels). 

Once you have chosen your wax, the next step is to choose your fragrance. Make sure to use a concentrated fragrance oil that is meant for candles. Adding too much fragrance oil will make your candle burn faster and unevenly, so be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

The last thing you need to have in mind is to choose your wick. The size and type of wick you use will affect how your candle burns. For a strong-smelling candle, you want to use a wick that is made of cotton or hemp and is at least 6 inches.

Can you use dried herbs in candles?

Dried herbs are a popular way to add fragrance and flavour to candles. But can you actually use them in candles?

The answer is yes, it is safe to use dried herbs in your candles but there are a few things you should know before you decide to use dried herbs.

See also: Make green tea powder with green tea leaves

A serious reason you need to know is that dried herbs are flammable materials, which means that they can get easily burned. As a result, you’ll need to use less than you would if you were using fresh herbs. You’ll also need to make sure the herbs are finely ground so they will be burned evenly.

While you can use dried herbs in candles, it is not recommended. As we mentioned above, you can use dried herbs but if you are a beginner then it is good to avoid it. Dried herbs can catch fire and cause the candle to smoke. If you do use dried herbs in candles, be sure to keep them away from the flame and do not allow them to come into contact with the wax.

Top Recommendations for Herb Scented Candles

Lavender Dream: A Calming and Soothing Blend

lavender for scented candle

Lavender has been used as a herbal remedy since ancient times. It’s known that helps with insomnia, anxiety, stress, and depression. Lavender also helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Lemongrass Serenity: Balancing and Relaxing Scent

Find your inner balance with Lemongrass Serenity. This herb scented candle provides a soothing and harmonizing fragrance, reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm.

Rosemary Revive: Energizing and Invigorating Fragrance

Rosemary is one of the most popular herbs to use when people make the best scented candles. It smells amazing and makes the place smell even better! You can find rosemary at any grocery store.

Peppermint Delight: Cool and Rejuvenating Fragrance

peppermint for scented candle

If you love peppermint, you’ll love to use it to make scented candles. They smell so good and will help you relax after a long stressful day.

Sage Sanctuary: Grounding and Cleansing Aroma

Sage has been used as a herb since ancient times. It’s known for its ability to cleanse the body and mind. It also helps with digestion and relieves stress. Apart from using it as a perfume for candles, people also use sage in cooking, baking, and even in teas.

Thyme Tranquillity: Peaceful and Reassuring Scent

Thyme essential oil is one of the most popular oils for aromatherapy. It’s often used to help relieve anxiety and insomnia. It’s also good for skin care and can be added to bath water to make a relaxing soak.

Eucalypt Escape: Refreshing and Uplifting Aroma

Eucalyptus Escape has a fresh scent that will take you to a peaceful oasis. This candle is relaxing because it helps your lungs stay healthy and makes the room feel like a spa.

Chamomile Comfort: Soothing and Calming Aroma

Chamomile Comfort is like a warm blanket that will envelop you in tranquility. This herb-scented candle has a perfume that is calm and relaxing, making it an excellent choice for times when you want to take some time for yourself to relax and find some peace.

How To Add Herbs To Candles Step by Step

First, the wax desires to be in a molten country in order that it could easily blend with the plants. The herbs ought to be dry and pressed for a few days to put off mildew; it’s far cautioned to move for both chopped or beaten portions rather than complete chunks to useful resources in higher distribution and prettier styles. 

You need to melt the wax to around 180F or 82C. After that, cautiously mildew the candles in line with your favoured pattern.  

You can upload your herbs relying on the layout you need. If you need the herbs to settle on the bottom, you could place your herbs in a special jar and pressure the wax into it. The debris will finally settle on the bottom. 

If your choice is a random layout, you may add your herbs in addition to the wax. The end result can be an aggregate of well-dispensed and random debris. 

For the herbs to settle on the pinnacle, add them to the pinnacle of the molten wax. Sprinkling them is a satisfactory choice in order that they’re well-dispensed. 

Once you’ve got introduced the herbs to the molten wax, permit the jar cool for about 50 mins to solidify and shape your herb-infused candle. 

How to scent a candle with fresh herbs step by step:

One of the best ways to enjoy the fresh scent of herbs is to scent a candle with them. This can be done by either adding the herbs directly to the melted wax or by placing them in a sachet that hangs from the wick.

Before scenting a candle with fresh herbs, you will need these materials below:

  • A candle
  • Fresh herbs
  • A double boiler
  • A pot
  • A glass jar
  • A knife or scissors

The process of scenting a candle with fresh herbs is quite a simple one that requires only a few steps that we will see below:

Choose your favourite herbs

First, you will need to gather your fresh herbs. Feel free to choose any of the herbs we mentioned above or choose your favourite one. Once you have your herbs, you will need to crush them slightly in order to release their aroma.

Melt wax

Next, you will need to melt some wax in a pot on the stove. Once the wax is melted, you will need to add the crushed herbs to the wax and stir them well.

Pour the wax with herbs

Finally, you will need to pour the wax and herb mixture into a mould and allow it to cool. Once it is cooled, your candle is ready to be used!

Bonus Tips When Adding Herbs To Candles 

  1. Be cautious while including the herbs in the wax due to the fact setting them near the wick will boom the possibility of them catching fire while the candle is hot. 
  2. You can employ leftover wax, however, they want to be of the identical shadeation in case you are eager for your very last layout. Melting special hues may also bring about patches of undesirable pigments while the wax solidifies. 
  3. Always attempt to suit the heady fragrance to the shadeation of the wax. For instance, you could suit mint with inexperienced or vanilla with purple, however, you could constantly make sure with white wax. 
  4. You can by no means cross incorrect with including vital oils to candles collectively with the herbs. The heady fragrance can be more potent, and some drops will suffice. 
  5. Lastly, maintain your candle blanketed on every occasion it isn`t in use to hold the depth of the fragrance.


Incorporating the best herb scented candles into your daily life can bring a touch of tranquility, relaxation, and aromatherapy benefits. With a variety of herbs to choose from, each offering its own unique properties, you can select the perfect candles to suit your preferences and needs. Remember to consider the quality of ingredients, fragrance intensity, and the eco-friendly nature of the candles when making your choices. By using herb scented candles in different settings and following proper candle care, you can create a harmonious atmosphere that promotes well-being and enhances your overall experience. In addition, you might want to check this article of you want to grow herbs indoors.


How long does the flame normally stay lit on herb-scented candles?
The amount of time that herb-scented candles take to burn completely depends, in part, on their size and quality. A herb-scented candle of a regular size may be expected to burn for anywhere between 30 and 40 hours on average.

Are candles scented with herbs safe for use around pets?
It is crucial to keep a tight check on your dogs at all times and make sure they are not in close proximity to the burning candle, even though herb-scented candles are normally acceptable for animals to be around. Because of the possibility that some animals have sensitivity to particular odors, it is essential to monitor your pet’s behavior and seek the advice of a qualified veterinarian if you have any worries in this regard.

When I’m pregnant, is it safe for me to use candles with a scent of herbs?
Candles with an aroma of herbs are generally considered to be risk-free to use during pregnancy. However, it is recommended that you select candles with fragrances that are not overpowering, and if you have any specific concerns, you should discuss them with your healthcare provider.

Do the various herbs that go into the making of scented candles each have their own unique set of benefits?
Yes, each different herb that goes into making scented candles offers its own one-of-a-kind set of benefits. Lavender is great for relaxing, rosemary is great for increasing attention, eucalyptus is great for improving respiratory health, lemongrass is great for maintaining a balanced mood, and so on. When choosing a candle with a scent of herbs, you should take into consideration the effects you want to achieve.

How can I improve the aroma of my candles that are scented with herbs?
You may concentrate the smell of your herb-scented candles by placing them in tighter quarters, such as a bathroom, where there is less open space. This will result in a stronger aroma. In addition, the use of candle warmers or diffusers that are built expressly for candles can assist in the distribution of the aroma in a more efficient manner.

As a dedicated mother and passionate software developer, she weaves her diverse experiences into captivating stories that inspire and engage readers. Emma's love for sustainable living and environmental consciousness permeates both her personal and professional life. When she's not immersed in the world of coding and software development, Emma can be found nurturing her family and tending to her thriving organic garden. Her commitment to sustainable practices extends to every aspect of her life, from repurposing household items to embracing eco-friendly technologies.